Virtual Seminar – Trophic relationships in the benthos: feeding morphology and ecology of macroinvertebrates – October 22nd


Maya deVries, SJSU

Hosted by the Invertebrate Ecology Lab

Presenting: "Trophic relationships in the benthos: feeding morphology and ecology of macroinvertebrates"

MLML Virtual Seminar | October 22nd, 2020 at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream here



Maya’s research reveals how the fundamental relationship between feeding morphology and feeding ecology on the individual level can help to shape the trophic ecology of an ecosystem. My lab further explores how environmental change may alter these relationships. We approach these classic questions in functional morphology and ecology by integrating tools from animal behavior, biomechanics, stable isotope ecology, robotics, and engineering.

Maya deVries Presents: Trophic relationships in the benthos: feeding morphology and ecology of macroinvertebrates