Basking Shark Resources

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Explore these useful websites to learn more about Basking Sharks.

NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources:

Basking Sharks a Species of Concern

Fisheries and Oceans Canada:

Basking Shark Recovery Strategy

Basking Shark Background and Current Research


Basking shark photos and video

The Basking Shark Project:

Report a sighting in United Kingdom waters

IUCN Red List:

Basking sharks listed as endangered

The Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of California. By David A. Ebert. University California Press. 2003. 284 p.

Other mackerel sharks. By David A. Ebert. In: California’s Living Marine Resources: A Status Report. W.S. Leet, C.M. Dewees, R. Klingbiel, and E.J. Larson (eds.). The Resources Agency, California Department Fish and Game. 2001. p 345-347.

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